Yamashita Squid Series 2011, Gan Craft Round 5 Eden NSW
This round of the national squid series is a charity event where all proceeds go to the group Beyond Blue, men’s mental health initiative program called ‘The Shed’.
The Shed is one of the many mental health strategies that Beyond Blue have initiated targeted at men and their mental health.
This round is still a qualifying round with the normal $1000 cash prize for 1st and other prizes awarded down the line, qualification for the Grand Final and Lowrance Team of the year points will still be awarded, what makes this event different is that Australian Egi Tournaments will not ask for any entry money, however, each team will be given an envelope at the event briefing where a donation to the amount of the teams choice will be placed in the envelope as a donation to Beyond Blues ’The Shed’, no questions will be asked about the amounts and no minimum amount is expected.
For entry forms and competition rules please go to www.australianegitournaments.com.au, for teams entering that wish to lodge forms on the briefing evening please email me with your team details paul@australianegitournaments.com.au. All media or competition enquiries, please contact Tournaments Director Paul Carter 0417590547 at any time
Event Briefing and registration will take place at the Eden Amateur Fish Club Clubhouse
At 2000pm on Friday the 1th November 2011, we will be on site from 0700 to take late entries, please bring your fishing licence with you and all entry details