Last week I attempted along with friends Dan and Brent to get off shore and make an attempt at some Kings, whats the suprise you ask, well for the first time ever in a trailer boat I got sea sick, not sure if it was the servo pie, chocky milk and red bull swirling around in my stomach or if the big stabi craft had me going green but I was not well all the same, we stuck at it for another 4 hours but struggled, we had one live bait smashed with no hookup, countless couta smashing the stick baits and 1 salmon on an X-Wrap 20 but no kings. The water like me was very green and the whole time on the troll the sounder was very quiet so it looks like we picked a crap day to be out amongst the swell, I have to admit every time I am out there trolling or jigging along the coastline I am reminded of how small I am on this big blue planet, every thing from the rolling swell of the ocean to the massive cliff faces that adorn the coast of Victoria but the scenery is magnificent. The pics dont accurately show the swell so here is a before and after shot of a rock that is about 6 meters high.

Realizing that things would not get better we head back into Western Port to have a quick cast at the squid, this time of the year is not known for its big squid so we were not too excited about finding big squid but were happy just to land a few with squid being my number one species to target. We headed for Tankerton hoping to get a few small ones for a feed but the next suprise to come were to find a few above average sized squid for both this time of the year and this location, I was using a new Gan Craft color that was a gift from Mr Nakahira and Mr Kake on their last visit, resembled a lot of the grass whiting that are caught in the area and seemed to be a good choice on the day, Dan was using a Gan Craft UO-Jya. On the way out in the morning we noticed a faint smoke smell and could not work out what it was, when we got back into Western Port we saw the reason for the smoke smell, French Island was ablaze, hope it was just DPI fuel reduction burning.
UO-JYA caught squid by Dan |
The French Island Blaze |
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