After getting out on the squid on Wednesday I had enough time to wash the boat pack up my gear and head to Brighton to the Brighton Central Angling Club to talk all things squid with the members after their club meeting, during the meeting it was good to see a club involve them self in many of the political issues surrounding fishing and boating and also was refreshing to see a club taking advantage of the RFL small grants program to look at the future of fishing by running a clinic for kids teaching them fishing fundamentals by learning on bread and butter species such as carp. After the meeting a raffle was held and the members kindly raised over $300 for Beyond Blue (the shed program) a great initiative by the club to support a charity that Australian Egi Tournaments has been supporting through out the year, was a very humbling moment to see so many dig so deep for a great cause.

Meeting and raffle out of the way a sausage sizzle was happening and members both helped cook and demolish the stack of sausages on the table, I then spent the next hour running through what I could about squid and squid fishing in particular the varied Japanese styles that I have been learning over the past few years, lots of questions and no one fell asleep so it must have gone down ok, was a very friendly club that made me feel at home from the time I walked in to the time I left, the club was kind enough to present me with a club shirt and cap which will be worn proudly when the moment calls for it. Massive thanks to Steve Atto for the invite and for promoting the talk.
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