Its that time of the year again where I start meandering over the country talking all things squid, I have been inundated with requests in the last couple of weeks from stores and clubs to run clinics and seminars and have been working with some to square some dates away, we have a few locked in for Victoria and are working on dates for the rest of Australia with plans for one in SA in about 6 to 8 weeks. I will post dates as they come to hand but for now here is a couple that are squared away.

Sept 11th
- BOOKED OUT - a second night is being orgianised.
Fishing Fever BIG squid night, learning methods for targeting big squid
starting at 1900.

Contact Fishing Fever in Mordialloc 03 9590 9899 for more details.
Sept 26th
Knox Boat Fishing Club
General meeting - Guest speaker Paul Carter talking squid.
For club membership details contact
KBFC on the web site.
Oct 5th
Hooked on Bait and Tackle
Squid fishing in Australia with Gan Craft presented by Paul Carter, will be concentrating on catching squid in the southern end of PPB and learning the ins and outs of squid by understanding the way they feed breed and how to use that information on the water.
Contact Hooked on Bait and Tackle 03 97483811 for more details.
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